Magus International Legal Office

거점 목록

사무소 거점, 계열사, 제휴 사무소 등 소개

Magus International Legal Office

Tokyo Office

28F,Taiyo Life Insurance Bldg.

2-16-2, Konan, Minato city , Tokyo. Japan

Magus International Legal Office

Osaka Office

4F, Nippo New Ote Bldg.

1-4-1, Ote-dori, Chuo-ward, Osaka city, Japan

제휴 사무소

 Magus Maritime Legal Office  

4F, Nippo New Ote Bldg.

1-4-1, Ote-dori, Chuo-ward, Osaka city, Japan

제휴 사무소

 EIL International Legal Office

 3F Building High Town,

 2-1-4, Tsurigane-Cho, Chuo-ward, Osaka City, Japan

제휴 사무소

 BTG Advaya  Mumbai Office  

 2F, Hague Bullding, Ballard Estate, Mumbai

제휴 사무소

 BTG Advaya New Delhi Office  

 C-242, Arjun Marg, Defence Colony, New Delihi

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